torsdag 2. oktober 2014

3.4. Cosmopolitics

Goals of learning from this lesson
  • What is compassion and "compassion fatigue"?
  • How may the media development in general contribute to global compassion (and cosmopolitanism)?
  • Why do some disasters and other events of suffering end up on top of the mainstream news agenda, while others are pushed down?
  • In what way may the internet affect the international news agenda?

The lecture

Browse through the presentation from my course in Media & Politics at Lillehammer University College.


The literature
  • Chouliaraki, L. (2008). The Mediation of Suffering and the Vision of a Cosmopolitan Public. 21p. *
  • Hoskins, A., & O’Loughlin, B. (2010). War and media. Chap. 3. 23p.

Watch relevant videos

Peter Singer: The why and how of effective altruism

Paul Conneally: Digital humanitarianism

Ethan Zuckerman: Digital Cosmopolitans in the Age of Connection

Watch more videos on the YouTube playlist

Useful links